Headline Features
Table View: Top of the list is the new, persistent support for custom column orders in table views. Joining the existing natural and alphabetical column orders, this new capability will let you control the order of columns through a simple drag and drop operation. These column changes are persisted with the collection view and automatically restored with future views.
Custom Column Ordering In Action.
Intellishell: The Intellishell enhancements range from the near invisible, support for Retryable Writes (retryWrites) is now extended to Intellishell operations, to the very visible with a new dialog that appears when opening a new Intellishell tab to warn you that you have turned off Query Assist. (Query Assist allows you to in-place edit results amongst other things).
This dialog appears when you have turned off Query Assist and opened a new Intellishell tab.
New Edition Names: We’ve renamed Studio 3T Core to Basic and Enterprise to Ultimate to better reflect what’s included in each edition. Basic has the basic set of Studio 3T features and tools while Ultimate has literally everything.
Read more in the blog